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How to Play Pool: A Beginner's Guide to the Rules and Techniques


Updated: 2 days ago

Know the Pool Table Components

How to Play Pool

There are a few basic components you should familiarize yourself with. You can likely guess which is the table, pool balls and cue stick, but there’s a little more to know about each.

Choosing a Cue Stick

The common cue stick length is 58 inches, but they do come in various sizes. It’s important to choose a size that is best for you. Because you hit the balls with the cue tip, this is the most important part of the stick. If you’re new to the game, a medium or medium-soft tip is recommended, but they vary from soft to hard tip, each slightly changing the shot.

Pool Balls

Pool balls are numbered with solid and striped designs, and the 8-ball. Usually, the 8-ball is solid black, but you can buy custom-designed balls too. Then there’s the cue ball, which is generally solid white with no number. The cue ball is the only one that is hit directly.

Pool Table Sizes

There are a few standard table sizes, including 7-foot, 8-foot and 9-foot. The smaller 7-foot tables are ideal for new and experienced players, or those with limited space. The larger tables are designed more for experienced and competitive play. You may want a longer cue stick for the larger tables, and a shorter cue stick for smaller tables.


Understanding the Lingo

There are a couple of terms you should be aware of, they are:

The Break: This is the first turn of each new game. The term refers to breaking the group of balls. Some will break straight, and some shoot at an angle. If playing 8-ball, getting the 8-ball in on a break can also win the game.

Scratch or Scratching: This term refers to the cue ball rolling into a pocket, or if it goes airborn and jumps off the table. Scratch rules can vary between games, and should be determined prior to starting.

It’s common that the player that didn’t scratch is allowed to take a shot after placing the cue ball anywhere in the “kitchen”. This is the space located between the head string and head rail, or between the head rail and the second diamond on the side rails.

Understanding the Rules

Understanding the Rules of pool

There are various billiards games, but for the purpose of this article, we’re only focusing on 8-ball pool. The following is a basic rundown of these rules:

  1. The Setup: People have varied preferences for racking the 15 pool balls, but the 8-ball is always in the middle.

  2. The Break: If a ball goes into the pocket during the break, the player then claims the ball type (striped or solid), and takes another turn. The other player is the other player takes the other pattern.

  3. Gameplay: Each player takes a turn trying to sink their balls into the pockets, until just the 8-ball is left. If a player does not sink their ball, or sinks the opponent ball, their turn ends. If a player sinks the 8-ball before all the others, they lose the game.

  4. Fouls: There are various ways fouls can occur in pool, but some of the common situations include hitting the opponent's ball type, sinking the cue ball, sinking the 8-ball before all your other balls, or missing all the balls on a turn. When fouls occur, your opponent gets to place the cue ball anywhere on the table for the next shot, this is called “ball in hand”.

  5. Winning: To win, you have to sink all of your designated ball type, then call out the pocket and sink the 8-ball before the other player or team. If you pocket the 8-ball prior to clearing your other balls, sink it in a pocket other than the one you called, or foul while attempting to sink the 8-ball - you lose the game automatically.

Proper Positioning

Proper Positioning of pool stick

Now that you know the basics of setting up and playing, your posture during gameplay is next.

Hand Position

You want to hold the thick end of your cue stick with the tip directly in front of the cue ball. Your dominant hand holds the back of the stick, with the palm facing up. Then, locate the location on the wrap where you can evenly balance the cue stick, gripping it about 1 inch behind that.

On your non-dominant hand, make a circle using the index finger and thumb. Rest the cue stick above your middle finger, spread out the middle, ring and little fingers to give yourself support.

Finally, the ridge of your hand should be placed on the table, with the other side slightly raised.

Standing Position

Now that you’re holding the cue stick properly, the next step is your stance.

  • Place the foot on your non-dominant side in front, with your dominant side roughly 2 feet behind.

  • Your body should be slightly turned away from the table so the pool stick glides smoothly.

  • You should be close to the table but not touching it. Sometimes you’ll want to lean more into a shot for added control.

  • For proper form, you should place the cue stick directly under the chin on each stroke.

Watch a professional player. They always position their head forward and down, referred to as “being down on the ball”. This allows them to know the cue is right under their chin every time.


Taking Your Shot

  • You want to lightly apply chalk to the cue tip before each shot. This helps add friction for better control.

  • For the best control, hold your cue stick parallel to the table.

  • Gradually approach the ball, instead of a fast and quick stroke. Longer strokes will help the momentum of the ball stay more fluid.

  • Stay relaxed and keep follow-through straight. Your cue stick should continue on its course, nearly hitting the table ahead of where the cue ball was. Until you’ve hit the cue ball, the stick should not lose momentum.

  • After the shot, stay down and watch the ball. This allows you to analyze the angles as it strikes the other balls, and it avoids accidental deviation by your movements.

Remember, you are allowed to practice taking your shot before following through. Long as you do not make contact with the cue ball, you can move your cue stick until you’re comfortable.


Playing the Angles

Playing pool with a good grasp of angles

Knowing how to play angles will greatly improve your overall accuracy. Playing pool with a good grasp of angles can transform difficult shots into successful ones. Here’s how to understand and use angles effectively in pool.

  1. The Basics: The angle of the cue ball being hit determines the path it will take. Hitting the cue ball on the sides will change its direction, hitting it on top or bottom can change it’s path too.

  2. The 90-Degree Rule: When the cue ball makes contact with the target ball, it usually bounces off at a 90-degree angle. Knowing this helps you anticipate where the cue ball may come to a stop.

  3. Cut Shots: This type of shot requires making the cue ball strike the targeted ball at an angle to help guide it into the pocket. The smaller the contact point, the more the target ball will move away from your aim.

  4. Using Spin: Also known as English, adding spin to a cue ball can greatly change its path. This allows for more control over where the ball will stop. Practice is the best way to get familiar with this. Try hitting the cue ball in various locations, side, top, etc. to see the difference.

  5. Practice: Practice shots at various angles to learn how the balls behave. Try out different speeds and spins to get a better feel for how they affect the trajectory and angles.

  6. Bank Shots: A bank shot is when the cue ball is shot off the rail, then hits the targeted ball to sink it.

  7. Kick Shots: A kick shot is when the ball hits a rail prior to hitting the target ball. The angle at which the cue ball hits the rail determines the rebound positioning.

  8. Again, practice allows for a better understanding of how all these angles work when playing pool.


How to Play Pool with 4 Players

Generally, a four-player game is split into two teams consisting of two players each. Each time, they work together to pocket their designated balls, alternating players during each turn.

The setup and overall gameplay stay the same as the traditional two-player approach. Balls are racked, one team breaks, and the first ball typed in a pocket assigned the teams.

However, a coin can be flipped to determine who goes first in the teams. Then, keep alternating consistently. Player A and C, then players A and D, for example.

Strategy is another factor that’s available in team play. By planning out shots, teammates can assist each other in setting up the next shot. However, no physical assistance is allowed.


Choosing the Proper Equipment

Now that you know how to play, the last thing is to choose the proper equipment to get started, or upgrade as you get more experienced. The best cue sticks are customized to playing style and comfort. Additionally, pool cue accessories like chalk, gloves, and holders can be important to maintaining the care of your pool table.

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